Twenty Two Signs your practice is in trouble
1. You have missed a Court hearing more than once.
2. Your clients are complaining you aren’t promptly returning their calls.
3. You begin to avoid the office, mail, e-mail, or telephone calls.
4. Your clients appear at your office without an appointment just to talk with you.
5. You feel totally overwhelmed at work.
6. You feel if you could just work without interruptions everything would be fine.
7. You hate your job.
8. You are spending more time correcting mistakes than when you were a newbie attorney.
9. You can’t turn off the work. You don’t have any down time.
10. It’s not really coffee in your coffee cup.
11. Your amount of certificated mail has increased.
12. You can’t find anything in your office, especially files-what happened to your filing system?
13. The Office of Disciplinary Administrator or Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel is sending you mail and you are afraid to open it.
14. A client or co-counsel is complaining and you don’t have the patience to listen.
15. You wake up at three am because you didn’t file a required pleading.
16. You are isolated from the real world.
17. You don’t remember the last non-legal book you read.
18. You can’t go to the Chief’s game without talking to opposing counsel.
19. Exercise is walking to the courthouse or office from the handicap space.
20. Your time management skills are so great, only on a perfect day do you make all your appointments.
21. You grind your teeth.
22. You are paranoid.