This last week I asked for tips to improve your relationship. The following are the tips I received directly or indirectly. Please let me know which tip you believe to be the best.
Reader or Others Tips
Stay single??? Mike B.
Open the car door for her on the first date, and compliment her on her shoes even if she’s wearing flip flops! Bruce G.
Lots of sex Ronda G.
Sextexting B.Farve
Hot Tips to Improve Your Relationship
The Six L’s of a Relationship
1. Listen: really listen to your partner. Most people are not good at listening. Watch as your partner talks and reform the information to show you understand. If you aren’t a good listener, please read on the subject.
2. Love: your partner completely. This doesn’t mean there will be smooth sailing. You will still have bad times or difficult times. However, in bad times remember your mate has wonderful qualities. I suggest that you think of three positive characteristics of your partner.
3. Lust: for each over. The more lust and sex the better the relationship. Use modern technology to heat things up. Even a football player knows to use texting, texting photos and voice mail to increase desire. Use a buzz word for sex. Isn’t sex a form of communication?
4. Laughter: really is the best medicine for your health, your partner and your relationship.
5. Legal tender: (money) should be discussed. Partners, if married, living together or planning to do so in the future need to understand the other’s money strategy. The couple will be happier if they are compatible on the money strategy. According to the State of Our Unions Marriage in America 2009, the divorce rate has declined since the recession. It appears that couples are staying married. Couples appreciate the economic and social support that marriage provides.
6. Leisure: always have a date night. In today’s busy society every second is scheduled. Healthy relationships need time together. If it’s not scheduled, the time will not happen.