Batman fights good and evil every day. He is in the middle of major controversy in Gotham City. He has a civic heart and loves a good debate.
Batman May Have Been a Yale Grad- News- ABAJournal.
Was Batman a Yale Law Grad?
In 1974 he was displaying a law diploma from Yale University at Gotham City.
The diploma appears on Bruce Wayne‘s study wall on page 16 of Detective Comics from March 1974.The comic is in on display at Yale Library, as a part of the “Superheros in Court:Laywers, Law and Comics Books.The diploma tip was credited to Judge Mark Dwyer of the New York Court of Claims and a 1975 Yale law grad.
And I speak of him in the present tense. Batman is inside each of us. The battle of good and evil is inside of each of us. Most have the battle under control. Unfortunately, several bar members, the list includes myself get lost in the varying shades of grey. Once you cross to the dark side, it is very arduous to return to normalcy. For most once the line has been crossed, it is hard to return. Most may not know the exact time the line was crossed.
My prior blogs discuss steps to take back you life.
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